The group met Sunday, February 5th and discussed several things, the first event on the Friends line up is serving coffee to the public Valentine’s morning, that’s Tuesday, February 14th.  If you are free and would like to help or if you would like a cup of coffee come to the library from 10 am – Noon.  The library is having an all-day Romance Movie Marathon with the first movie starting right at 10 am.  So you can grab a cup of coffee and enjoy the morning movie.

There was also discussion about what the Friends could do for National Library Week, the week of April 8th.  Mary Lou Warren is heading up a small committee to make plans.  Some ideas thrown out were hosting a book talk/author book talk, serving coffee to the public, staff appreciation…would you like to help make plans for this event?  Mary Lou will be meeting with those interested Friday, February 17th to start the planning.  Call/email Cara (gbplfriends@gmail.com), Friends' Library Liaison, to learn more.

There was also discussion about doing a Friends' fundraiser later in the year.  Chris Rippel is very enthusiastic about doing a catered dinner/murder mystery event in the library.  Do you love attending/planning events like this?  Do you have acting skills we could call on?  If you would like to help Chris get a committee together to try and put a fun event like this together let Cara know so she can get you his contact information.  We even had a great suggestion of having a fundraising contest to determine who we would “kill in the stacks” for the event.

The Bookstore is doing VERY well!  Thanks to those volunteers keeping it full/materials rotated.  Thanks to those that have bought books.  Have you been in to shop the shelves?  Stop by, the prices are GREAT – ranging from $1 - $3!

The Friends also voted to give money to the Children’s, Young Adult, and Adult Summer Reading Programs.  The staff are VERY GRATEFUL to have this gift!!  It will add to the fun they can have this summer!

The Friends will be meeting again Sunday, March 4th @ 2 pm to finalize the National Library Week plans.  Thanks for all that you do to support the Great Bend Public Library.  It is wonderful to have such GREAT Friends!